Chances are that someone has also wanted to know some vital information about their kitchen renovation or new Bathroom fitout as you do. Maybe its a custom joinery answer you are looking for.
Can I have my bathroom and kitchen and laundry all replaced at the same time?If you're having home improvements or a new renovation or even building a new home, having all of your cabinet making & Joinery carried out at the same time will definitely save time and money. It doesn't make much sense replacing the old kitchen with a new one and then proceeding to create a new laundry 6 months later. Kitchen companies in your area will advise you of the same procedure. Have it all fitted once and this will lower the cost for a second-time visit. Your family will undergo just one disruption to the household which is a lot easy which is a lot easier than dragging on overtime several Home Improvements. Why not have your laundry renovation carried out at the same time as your kitchen improvement.
Can I build a laundry chute in my upstairs bathroom.By placing a laundry Chute in your upstairs bathroom can really save time. One thing you must consider before creating a laundry Chute is the location must be somewhere close to or above your downstairs laundry. Given that the laundry Chute drops clothes directly into a cupboard within your laundrey. If it's not within the vicinity above the laundry. You can however, locate a laundry Chute to drop to any location downstairs, these can be quite functional so long is the downstairs cupboard is Incorporated neatly. Sitting with SP Cabinets you'll soon understand that anything is doable. The kids would love to use the laundry Chute as it becomes a bit of a game for them. Opening the secret cupboard wear clothes disappear.
Do stone bathtubs take hot water without damage.Having a new stone bathtub can be a great addition see your bathroom attend expensive. Stone is an amazing product but also a natural product which means there is always a chance something could go wrong. The best practice for an expensive stone bathtub is to run the cold water firstly for a moment and then add the hot water tap as well. This will gently warm the water while filling the bathtub. Better to be safe than sorry
How much do shower screens cost.Shower screens can range in price. It can be a couple of hundred dollars for your basic slider up to thousands of dollars for big panel tempered glass. Some clients require larger than normal glass panels as their shower screen and these will require 3 hinges to mount them, which obviously will cost more. Some bathrooms have an open shower we're no shower screen is required but a thin sliver of Glass to keep water trapped A tough question to answer and ultimately comes down to what brand style and size your family bathroom is looking for.
FAQ from SP Cabinets. Your kitchen questions answered
What's the latest fashion in tapware black Chrome or gold?
New kitchen tapware and bathroom tapware have come a long way in design. Very sleek and modern new look tapware are popping up everywhere throughout new homes. Black tapware included in kitchen designs and bathroom designs is a very common look these days. It sits well on any colour tile or paint and never seems to date.
The number one choice by far is chrome, dominating all home improvements by far. Whereas gold tapware seems to be predominantly for extremely high and expensive design or heritage design. It's it difficult to get away with gold tapware because in the 70s and 80s the trend went gold and today those gold taps look very tired and tend to date a room.
In lavish hotels and five-star rooms, it can work well so long as everything around it is at a five-star level.